Welcome To Amputee Care Center
powered by Spronken
Our team of prosthetic care specialists is a balanced mix of seasoned experts and driven juniors, each contributing in their own way to achieving the daily objectives and tackling the challenges that arise.
With a listening ear, a healthy dose of creativity, and plenty of enthusiasm, they work tirelessly every day to find the best solutions for the needs and requirements of their patients.
More than 145 years of combined experience!
We are proud to introduce them to you!
I worked for 8 years as an occupational therapist in rehabilitation, gaining extensive knowledge about amputations, assistive devices, and support systems for people with disabilities. Since March 2023, I have been working as the coordinator for the Amputee Care Center (ACC), where I’ve had the opportunity to further expand my expertise.
For me, a prosthesis is valuable and fascinating because it can enhance or improve a person’s autonomy, as well as contribute to both physical and mental well-being. I particularly enjoy the social interactions with clients and colleagues during work and thrive in a multidisciplinary environment to resolve challenges or limitations.
Favorite Prosthetic Component/Product?
The foot—because it restores a sense of stability to the person’s life.
Fun Fact?
In my free time, I enjoy taking care of people and can often be found working in hospitality.
I also value traveling and fine dining.
Why Work as a Prosthetist?
Working as a prosthetist provides me with daily satisfaction. Every prosthetic user is unique, presenting new challenges with each case. It’s incredibly rewarding to see the joy on people’s faces when they take their first steps with their new prosthesis. Additionally, the hands-on aspect of our work is quite unique and something I deeply appreciate.
Favorite Prosthetic Component/Product
I would choose the Direct Socket! This one-visit prosthetic solution allows you to create a high-quality, state-of-the-art prosthetic socket in just half a day.
For an above-knee amputee, this approach enables the creation of a socket that is slightly lower than a conventional one, offering greater freedom of movement at the hip.
Fun Fact
Traveling is my favorite pastime! My preferred destinations are mountains, where we can enjoy hiking and winter sports. Austria is a frequent vacation spot for us.
Why Work as a Prosthetist?
Working as a prosthetist brings me daily satisfaction. Each prosthetic user is unique, and this means new challenges every time. I find it incredibly rewarding to see people’s happiness when they take their first steps with their new prosthesis. Moreover, much of our work involves working with our hands, which makes it quite a unique profession.
Favorite Prosthetic Component/Product?
I would pick the Direct Socket! This one-visit prosthetic solution allows us to craft a high-quality, state-of-the-art prosthetic socket in just half a day.
For above-knee amputees, this method produces a socket slightly shorter than conventional designs, offering greater freedom of movement around the hip area.
Fun Fact?
Traveling is my favorite pastime! I especially love visiting the mountains, where I can enjoy hiking and winter sports. Austria is one of our most frequent vacation destinations.
Why Work as a Prosthetist?
What I love most about this profession are the social interactions with prosthetic users, their families, and other healthcare professionals. Additionally, I get a lot of satisfaction from the hands-on aspects of the job.
Every prosthetic user is unique. With great enthusiasm and creativity, we work tirelessly to find the best solution to meet their specific needs.
Favorite Prosthetic Component/Product?
My preference goes to microprocessor-controlled prosthetic hands. Nowadays, there are numerous models from various suppliers, some of which allow users to perform more than 30 different types of grips.
Although it may take time and effort for users to adapt fully, the long-term benefits of this innovation are significant.
Fun Fact?
I’m always on the move and have plenty of hobbies: hiking, horseback riding, diving, skiing, traveling, and more!
What is Great About Making Prosthetics?
What I enjoy about my work is that I can finish the prosthesis entirely by hand, starting from the measurements, crafting a beautiful prosthesis for the patient on my own.
Favorite Prosthetic Component/Product?
I enjoy installing the Aqualeg cosmetic prosthetic cover. It provides an easy way to achieve a beautiful finish for the prosthesis.
Fun Fact
I am a proud father to Gust and spend most of my free time with him. Additionally, I play amateur football, and to relax, I love reading books on everything related to history.